Register of operations

Dear colleagues, we appeal to you as a member of Urogynaecological society CR, who potentially use implants in care of urine incontinence and in care of pelvic organ prolapse. Many of you have cooperate with us on creating czech register of implants in urogynaecology, which has to do „national internal audit“ with counts not only of done implantations in cure of women urine incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, but also its results in real life.
Today we present new form of register, which allow to collect data with secured electronic form.

All information are on link:
You will find your access information in automatically generated email; change your password after first log in.

We ask you for fulfil information of 2015 on this new website; information of 2014 could be fulfil in a new way but also in an old way. We will beg lad every new member, who decides to cooperate with „Czech national register implants in urogynaecology“.


50. výroční meeting IUGA

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UGS Konference album fotografií

PF 2025

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