Welcome in affiliates section of website of Urogynaecological society. This section is under patronage of this society.
We introduce you new activities in our section. It is designed for nurses, who are concerned with care of incontinent patients and urogynaecology.
This space is designated for your contributions, opinions, experiences, reactions on latest happenings in this field, vocational stories, acknowledgement, new, etc.
Content and aims of affiliates section (nurse section):
lifelong education - seminar
lecture activities
professional internship
Improvement of care of diseased patients with incontinence of urine and spread of right and professional care.
Přihlašte se na 50. výroční meeting IUGA/EUGA v Barceloně 18 - 21. 6. 2025
Více informací naleznete zde
Přejeme mnoho úspěchů v novém roce.
Těšíme se na další spolupráci. UGS